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Archive of older news posts



The Committee would like to know if there is any interest in a group holiday this year.
Please respond if you would like the group to arrange a holiday by contacting Sue Hill.


We have three vacancies for our SVIWG Committee, one as Treasurer and another for a Minute secretary.
Please contact Sue if interested. (contact details here).


As we enter our 25 years of walking with the SVIWG and members getting older it is important to keep our unique group going.

We have another group with Rotherham Sight and Sound, a subsidiary of SRSB which meets on the first Thursday each month to walk in Rotherham. Also a walking group for the Vision Impaired started in Inverness in 2022. As far as I know there are no other groups of this kind specifically tailored around blind people.

We need new faces on the committee to give fresh ideas and to keep our group going. Please have a think about it and give Sue a call.

Thank You.


As we enter our 25th year of the SVIWG many new members often ask how this unique group started.

It started very small in the year 2000 when Ted Ellerton, a seasoned Rambler, a very hard-core walker, was driving home one Saturday night looking forward to his Sunday Ramble with the Ramblers.

Upon waking Sunday morning Ted was completely blind due to a detached retina.
Ted only had one good eye, not sure but I think his other retina had detached some years back.
The hospital could not attach it again so he was left to pick up the pieces.

Ted lived alone. Eventually he was put in touch with Jill Thompson, a Rehabilitation Officer at Howden House.
She asked Ted what he would like to do and he said he would still like to Ramble.

Jill took Ted to a meeting with the Ramblers and asked if anyone would help Ted and be a guide when out walking.
Jack Burling, Peter and Brenda Sunderland said they would and along with Jill and another VI set off on their first walk.
It rained all day, very muddy - what a start - but it did not put them off as they were used to it, being keen Ramblers.

Through word of mouth other Guides appeared and the group was advertised through various means and quickly it started to grow. Betsy joined soon after and as she was also a keen Rambler and felt she could no longer go with the Ramblers she was delighted and made it her mission to make it successful.

We only had the second Wednesday walk then and Jill used to send out the information of where the walk would be going all in print and Braille as not many people had email addresses then let alone computers where VI's could listen as the screen was read out to them.

Later a fourth Sunday walk was started and the Thursday bi-monthly walk with the Rangers. This meant a newsletter had to be produced which Betsy set to, taking it on to a CD when finished for SRSB to produce and send out to all members.
Betsy and husband Colin then, for those who wanted, produced the newsletter on cassette tape at home with Colin patiently reading out for us.

Technology took over and most members receive the newsletter by email.

I think this group would not have happened if Ted had not been known by the Ramblers.
I know they have been approached by a VI who is younger and wants to walk with people near her own age and they pointed her in our direction. She has been but she is very fit and it was not what she wanted.

Ted died some years ago and Jill took early retirement and now lives in Scotland but still in contact.

It is a tribute to Ted and Jill that our group is still going. Thank you both I am sure from all our VI's.


Just wanted to express my gratitude and appreciation to all our walk leaders and guides for all the Guided walks this year.
I haven't been on as many as I would have liked as we seem to have had a few holidays and many DBUK commitments this year but as always, the walks and the company have been great.

I also appreciate that the SVIWG only works as well as it does because of our volunteers on the committee so on behalf of all the VIPs would also like to thank you for all the hard work behind the scenes.

Thanks so much everyone hope you have a really happy Christmas and a healthy and happy New Year. Looking forward to all our walks in 2025.
Very best wishes.


See this BBC News article about Uriah Rennie, who donated to our group £16,000.00 in 4 year increments.
On behalf of the SVIWG very well deserved by him and congratulations from us all.


Dear Friends.

By the time you read this newsletter we shall (hopefully) be getting settled into our new home in Woody Point, Queensland.

I have been a guide with SVIWG for 20 plus years, it has been one of the best things I have ever done. I've met some incredible folks and made good friends (you know who you are) along the way.

I shall miss your friendship, fun and sometimes challenges. Wishing everyone health and happiness.


A big thank you to all of our lovely guides who gave up their morning to attend a training day with Alison Anthony. Alison is a senior Re-hab trainer at Howden House.

Alison said what a lovely group it was and not too serious we had laughs along the way.

We will hold another one sometime next year with new potential guides (here's hoping) also if anyone need a re-fresher. Meanwhile we always put our training videos in the newsletter if you need a refresh. Thank you all.


A 526-mile walk around Yorkshire is described on the very interesting "Wild Yorkshire Way" website.
It also has some links to other walk-related sites.


Ben's Charity are in need of walking shoes and trainers for their clients and also any t-shirts and shorts.
These can be dropped off at 22 Wilkinson Street S10 2GB, Monday to Friday 10 to 4pm.


The St. Vincent de Paul furniture charity shop is in need of furniture donations which they will collect in the Sheffield and Rotherham areas. Please call 0114 2552545.


Something Old, Something New, Experience by Carol Adams

I wouldn't say I'm scared, I wouldn't say I'm not. Memories of the past linger, rehearsing lines, adrenaline shot, I'm older now, my memory not what it used to be, Excitement in meeting new people, wondering what's next for me, It seemed so far off at first and then wow - So many more lines than I expected, right now.

On reflection, I wonder if I'll learn them all in time, Something new to dive into, but oh, will I shine? Will I have to dance or sing, make the audience ring? It's a wedding scene, so will there be bling? A lot on my mind - can I still stand tall, After surgery, and pull it off at all?

At first, I doubt myself, but then I take a stand, Rehearsals begin, lines spoken, all carefully planned. I hope to keep everything authentic and true, Looking forward to knowing my lines through and through, Then there are cues to remember, every one, How many times will I pour my soul into this run?

Today is a day of rest, tomorrow's the final prep, Opening night looms and I've got one last step. We started in July, now the end is near, Just a week to go, and we'll give it all here, The stage is set, the people I've met - What will the critics say, what will we get?

We hope for success in every show and pray for applause from row to row. I wonder about emotions, seeking approval high, The lines in my head, will they stick when I try? We all worry about missing a cue but the audience won't know, they haven't a clue.

Here's just one song but I won't be the singer, My lines are rehearsed, I won't be a winger, I'm playing a registrar - does this role fit me? I'll give it my best and hope for victory.

I'm so tired I could sleep for a week but I carry on, though rest seems bleak, The gym is my refuge at dawn's early light, Before trying to sleep, though it's still a fight.

The dress rehearsal was a bit of a flop, Missing lines and prop mishaps that just won't stop, Are we ready for this, is time on our side? But then adrenaline kicks in and I'm along for the ride.

The audiences are plenty, they clap as we leave, There's a buzz backstage, no time to grieve. At our first party, everyone craves more but there's still work to do, still things to explore.

Every day's different, changes are made, Lines and scenes cut, to make the grade, Suddenly, confidence rises and I find my stride, It's a great show, with pride I confide.

The audience laughs, and I make some cry, Despite any noise, we don't let it die, At last, it's here - we've made it through, Knowing 600 people have watched our debut.

Now it's all over, no more lines to learn, We scream, shout, and take our turn, The adrenaline fades, and I finally sleep, With memories of this time, forever to keep.

Thanks to all for their support - I'm worn out but proud, Proud I did it, that I made it, I say aloud, Proud of this unforgettable scene, Standing on stage, feeling serene, I owned it, just like the rest, That registrar role, I gave it my best.


We have received a grant from South Yorkshire Association Committee for Coach Ramble.
All members are entitled to claim back their £10 paid towards the coach.


We have now set a date of Thursday 3rd October 2024, 10am to approx 1pm.
This allows for members who have put their names down for any holidays they may have.

Sue will be contacting all to confirm they can still come to the meeting. I hope this date suits most of you.


Fiona and Keirian have the following items they wish to donate which were from Keirian's Grandmother;-

  • VictorReader Stratus, Daisy CD digital talking book e-reader including a few book CDs (If registered as visually impaired can get sent more CDs by RNIB on a regular basis)
  • Talking clocks x2 (both small square clocks)
  • Liquid level indicator for a mug
  • Various hand-held magnifying glasses including 3 light-up magnifiers
  • BBumperStops tactile dots
  • Couple of pairs of sunglasses (quite small size)


To all those who came on the Coach ramble thank you for singing on my birthday. It was a lovely surprise and made my day.


Current members:

  • Sue Hill - Chair
  • Martin Wing - Vice Chair
  • Pauline Bullivant - Secretary
  • Stan Wainwright - Treasurer
  • Gail Fagan - Newsletter
  • Eileen Ingham - Walk Coordinator
  • Margaret Patrick - Social Secretary, co-opted member
  • Christine Hewitt, Hilary Myers, Judith Morton - co-opted members

Election of Officers:

All members are willing to stand again with the exception of Chris Hewitt who has stepped down from the Committee.

Chris has been a long standing member of the group and an excellent Chair, also Membership secretary.
On behalf of the group we Thank You Chris for your hard work and look forward to meeting on social occasions and walks.

Anyone in the group who would like to take on any role or indeed join the Committee please let Sue know or anyone on the Committee.


Adrian Childs writes in the Guardian as he led his friend on a walk.


Nigel would like to thank all your good wishes during this stressful time of leaving his home at Nether Edge for several years.

Nigel has moved to a flat at Gleadless Townend, near to amenities and public transport.

We wish him lots of happy years there and look forward to seeing him on walks and social occasions when he has sorted himself out.


Ann Batty has a pair of good condition size 6 ladies North Face walking shoes.
If anyone would like these please contact Ann on 07989 053534


Below is part of a message from a potential new guide who has asked for our help.
Please send any comments or suggestions to Sue, who will forward them on.

The Catholic Church is preparing for Jubilee 2025 with the theme of Pilgrims of Hope and here in Hallam we are keen that everyone should have the opportunity to take part in local pilgrimages being planned.
Please can you suggest what people with visual impairments would need to know in order to decide whether to take part?

This planning is at a very early stage so all ideas welcome. One pilgrimage site might be Padley Chapel at Grindleford.
Do you think this is something some group members might be interested in?


Apologies to all members who have put their names down to receive VI Training.

At present we have 6 names but would like a few more to allow for holidays and to make it worthwhile for Alison Anthony to teach.

As soon as we have enough names we will arrange, so if you would like training or extra training please contact Sue Hill.
(Email: or Mobile: 07970 311329)


Congratulations to Robert Nolan and sighted guide Tim who completed the London Marathon time 4 hours 35 minutes.
Robert has run the Marathon some years ago when he had more eyesight, this time attached to Tim a brilliant achievement.

Robert is Chair of Deaf Blind UK and all funds raised go to this charity.
If anyone wants to sponsor him, please check out his JustGiving Page.


David and Paul would like to thank all those members who came on the Tuesday walk on the 5th March. It was a fantastic turnout, there were 19 in total which is one of the highest we have had.

There were eight VI's so we had enough guides. It was especially nice to see Mary and Ken.

It was a nice day, the weather was kind, and although we had to change the walk due to the heavy rain we had just a few days before, it was a first Tuesday walk around Graves Park, Summerhouse and Cobnar Woods.


We are holding a training session, date not known yet, for any new guides wishing to come along. This is also open to any guides who have received training in the past but would like a refresher.

This is a great opportunity as Alison Anthony who works as a Re-hab officer at Howden House is extremely qualified to give this training. Please put your name down with Sue - it would be good to see our new guides there.


A month-long celebration of Sheffield as "The Outdoor City" featuring sporting events, community gatherings, guided walks, outdoor markets, film festivals, and more!
Check out this webpage for more information.


A warm welcome to James Percival, who volunteered through Voluntary Action Sheffield to take over our web site from Chris Whittakker.
Chris set up the web site some 15 years ago and has kept it running for us for all this time.
We are very grateful to you Chris - now you can relax and still enjoy coming out walking with us.


Congratulations to Mike Jackson who has received an MBE in the new year's honours list for services to the community.

Mike said one of his greatest privileges was joining the SVIWG soon after the group started, leading a Bi-monthly walk taking VI's to places we never dreamed of and indeed VI's who had been long time ramblers and lost their sight later in life they never thought it would be possible again.

The memorable ones like Kinder Scout, Bleaklow and leading a party up Snowdon. Mike was a warden on Kinder and we always knew we were in safe hands.

Well-deserved Mike on behalf of the SVIWG.


This magazine has printed a short article about SVIWG - you can find it in the January edition on page 6.

David and Paul would like to say THANK YOU

Thank you to all the members who have supported the Tuesday walks offered in 2023. It means a lot to us to have your support, and makes it all worthwhile. Plans for 2024 are already in progress, and we are hoping to branch out again as we did in 2023. This means journeys will be longer than others but we feel it will be worthwhile.

Thank you again

Thanks to David and Paul

There is quite a lot of work for David and Paul, in planning a walk each month, and the walks are very popular, so thank you from members of SVIWG for all your efforts.


THE CHESTERFIELD CANAL TRUST has a number of circular walking routes available on their website. The walks are under the heading 'Off the water'.


A BIG THANK YOU TO EVERYONE - Guides and VIP's alike, who went on our six day holiday in Anglesey. You were Marvellous. We had six lovely HOT days away with great companions. A special thanks must go to the five lovely people, our friends from Wales, Margaret, Peter, Helen, Steff and Angie who joined us and led us on different days, giving us six different and interesting walks, we shall all remember.

To Phil, our skilful Coach driver and friend, thank you for looking after us all so well, and getting us safely back each day. I'm looking forward to finding out what Margaret Patrick is planning for us next year in Northumberland. Thank you all for your support over the last 12 years of my arranging the groups walking holiday. My records show that the first time we met and were led by Margaret Norwood was on Tuesday 6th September in 2011. She led us on a 7 mile circular walk, from our Hotel in Betws-y-Coed.


Congratulations to Robert Nolan who is now on the board of Trustees at SRSB.
It is always good to have someone who represents the charities to which they serve and with Robert's dual sensory impairment he will be a good ambassador.
Peak Park Rangers Walk 22/7/21


If you are interested, please click here for more information.
Some of our walkers describe their experience in this "Walk and Talk".

You can also look at this brilliant short documentary film, developed by Sheffield Hallam University Students, featuring members of our group.