Further to my first history memories I have been asked if I can think of any other.
We have had many wonderful guides and still have passing through our group.
Some names which left their mark are Jean and Gordon Worthington who joined around one year after the group started.
They encouraged the fourth Sunday walk and also helped to get the committee rolling.
Also they took the group on their first three holidays all on public transport.
The first being the Isle of Wight and the next two to Teignmouth on the train.
Another memorable holiday was to Austria on a walking trip - this was arranged by a VI member.
After that Hilary Myers, a VI, took on the role and arranged many holidays with great precision leaving no stone unturned.
By now the holiday group had grown to around 30 or so, which was no mean feat.
Other memorable guides were Peter and Brenda Sunderland and Jack Burling
who were amongst the first guides with the Ramblers to step up and come out with our group.
John Bater, a VI, came along and was a great addition as he had an encyclopaedic knowledge of our countryside and further,
and as his sight was not too bad he could also lead walks.
Not forgetting Eric Andrews, a VI, but also an adventurer who arranged many fundraising events;
Walking up Ben Nevis, Snowdon, and Scafell Pike, and also Tandem riding at the Manchester Velodrome.
Steve Brown also arranged to cross the sands at Morecambe Bay.