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Group news and views and other items of interest

Please send any photos to us and we will put them on the website -
Please send articles for Newsletter to Gail Fagan (tel: 0114 2667764 / email:



We have two vacancies on our committee, one being as treasurer, the other a committee member.
If interested please contact Sue Hill (contact details here).


As we enter our 25 years of walking with the SVIWG and members getting older it is important to keep our unique group going.

We have another group with Rotherham Sight and Sound, a subsidiary of SRSB which meets on the first Thursday each month to walk in Rotherham. Also a walking group for the Vision Impaired started in Inverness in 2022. As far as I know there are no other groups of this kind specifically tailored around blind people.

We need new faces on the committee to give fresh ideas and to keep our group going. Please have a think about it and give Sue a call.

Thank You.


As we enter our 25th year of the SVIWG many new members often ask how this unique group started.

It started very small in the year 2000 when Ted Ellerton, a seasoned Rambler, a very hard-core walker, was driving home one Saturday night looking forward to his Sunday Ramble with the Ramblers.

Upon waking Sunday morning Ted was completely blind due to a detached retina.
Ted only had one good eye, not sure but I think his other retina had detached some years back.
The hospital could not attach it again so he was left to pick up the pieces.

Ted lived alone. Eventually he was put in touch with Jill Thompson, a Rehabilitation Officer at Howden House.
She asked Ted what he would like to do and he said he would still like to Ramble.

Jill took Ted to a meeting with the Ramblers and asked if anyone would help Ted and be a guide when out walking.
Jack Burling, Peter and Brenda Sunderland said they would and along with Jill and another VI set off on their first walk.
It rained all day, very muddy - what a start - but it did not put them off as they were used to it, being keen Ramblers.

Through word of mouth other Guides appeared and the group was advertised through various means and quickly it started to grow. Betsy joined soon after and as she was also a keen Rambler and felt she could no longer go with the Ramblers she was delighted and made it her mission to make it successful.

We only had the second Wednesday walk then and Jill used to send out the information of where the walk would be going all in print and Braille as not many people had email addresses then let alone computers where VI's could listen as the screen was read out to them.

Later a fourth Sunday walk was started and the Thursday bi-monthly walk with the Rangers. This meant a newsletter had to be produced which Betsy set to, taking it on to a CD when finished for SRSB to produce and send out to all members.
Betsy and husband Colin then, for those who wanted, produced the newsletter on cassette tape at home with Colin patiently reading out for us.

Technology took over and most members receive the newsletter by email.

I think this group would not have happened if Ted had not been known by the Ramblers.
I know they have been approached by a VI who is younger and wants to walk with people near her own age and they pointed her in our direction. She has been but she is very fit and it was not what she wanted.

Ted died some years ago and Jill took early retirement and now lives in Scotland but still in contact.

It is a tribute to Ted and Jill that our group is still going. Thank you both I am sure from all our VI's.


Just wanted to express my gratitude and appreciation to all our walk leaders and guides for all the Guided walks this year.
I haven't been on as many as I would have liked as we seem to have had a few holidays and many DBUK commitments this year but as always, the walks and the company have been great.

I also appreciate that the SVIWG only works as well as it does because of our volunteers on the committee so on behalf of all the VIPs would also like to thank you for all the hard work behind the scenes.

Thanks so much everyone hope you have a really happy Christmas and a healthy and happy New Year. Looking forward to all our walks in 2025.
Very best wishes.

Older News
Peak Park Rangers Walk 22/7/21


If you are interested, please click here for more information.
Some of our walkers describe their experience in this "Walk and Talk".

You can also look at this brilliant short documentary film, developed by Sheffield Hallam University Students, featuring members of our group.