Our organisation was founded back in the year 2000 and we've been supporting visually impaired walkers in Sheffield and the surrounding areas for 25 years. You can read a little bit about our past on our history page.
We are run by a committee, whose members are all active in the group.
Members receive a monthly newsletter with details of all upcoming walks and other items of interest.
We gratefully receive support from the following organisations
Who provide us with facilities for meeting and sending out information to members.
The Physical Disability and
Sensory Impairment Service.
Who organise training for our guides, and refer and provide information to registered VIP's.
Who provide walk leaders and many of the guides for our walks.
Who have given us generous financial and personal support.
Who have provided generous financial support.
Who have provided generous financial support.
Sometimes people ask if they can make a donation to our group. Any donations will be very gratefully received.
They should be sent to Mr Stan Wainwright, Treasurer, SVIWG, c/o SRSB, 5 Mappin Street, Sheffield, S1 4DT.
Thank you.