Our organisation started off very small in the year 2000 when Ted Ellerton - a seasoned Rambler and very hardcore walker - was driving home one Saturday night looking forward to his Sunday walk with the Ramblers.
Upon waking Sunday morning Ted found himself to be completely blind due to a detached retina, after having already lost the sight in his other eye some time ago. The hospital was unable to re-attach it, and so he was left to pick up the pieces.
Ted lived alone but was eventually put in touch with Jill Thompson, a Rehabilitation Officer at Howden House.
She asked Ted what he would like to do and he said he would still like to Ramble.
Jill took Ted to a meeting with the Ramblers and asked if anyone would help Ted and be a guide when out walking.
Jack Burling, Peter and Brenda Sunderland said they would, and along with Jill and another VI set off on their first walk.
It rained all day, very muddy - what a start! - but it didn't put them off as they were used to it, being keen Ramblers.
Through word of mouth, other Guides appeared and the group was advertised through various means and quickly it started to grow. Another keen Rambler, Betsy, joined soon after, and made it her mission to make the organisation a success.
There was only a monthly walk on a Wednesday at the time, and Jill used to send out all the information in print and Braille, as not many people had email addresses back then, let alone computers where VI's could listen as the screen was read out to them.
Later a monthly Sunday walk was started and a Thursday bi-monthly walk with the Rangers.
This meant a newsletter had to be produced which Betsy set to,
taking it on a CD when finished for SRSB to produce and send out to all the members.
An audio version on cassette tape was also produced, with Betsy's husband Colin patiently reading out for us.
Later on technology took over and most members now receive the newsletter by email.
It is a tribute to Ted and Jill that our group is still going.